2017 NMSDC Conference and BOE


Kimberly Proffitt

Kimberly Proffitt
Assistant Vice President, Supplier Relationship Management, Risk and Analytics, Diversity and Operations
Nationwide Insurance

Kimberly is a professional Sourcing and Supplier Relationship Management executive who leads global organizations through defining and implementing SRM programs, ensuring effective resource management, leveraging supplier partnerships for mutual benefit, generating competitive advantage and ensuring assessment and mitigation of third-party risk. Currently, she leads the Nationwide Insurance Enterprise Supplier Relationship Management, Supplier Diversity, Supplier Risk & Analytics and SMS Operations teams with a focus on implementing an end to end supplier risk assessment, due diligence and on-going monitoring, while encouraging continued supplier relationships to foster innovation and thought leadership. She has attained varied sourcing and supplier management experience over 20+ years. She has 16 years of global experience in the finance, insurance and retail industry, working for Fortune 100 companies like JPMorgan Chase, Wachovia, Wells Fargo, CNA Insurance, Reed Elsevier and currently Nationwide Insurance Kimberly built and managed 5 Supplier Management functions using a combination of centralized, decentralized and hybrid models. She has also led Sourcing teams for Offshore Services, Corporate Services and IT.

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