InterDrone 2018


Brendan Stewart

Brendan Stewart

Brendan, President & Chief Pilot, AeroVista Drone Academy, is the face of AeroVista Drone Academy. He has almost a decade of unmanned aviation experience and over 2,500 flight hours to show for it. His expertise with drones is equaled only by his passion for building a community of world-class pilots across industries that believe in safety and efficiency above all else. Brendan holds his FAA Sport Pilot Certificate as well as his Remote Pilot Certificate, is a Representative of the FAA Safety Team, and his enthusiasm and charisma makes him the perfect Lead Flight Instructor. Brendan is responsible for driving Drone Training, Program Development and FAA Compliance Solutions for AeroVista Drone Academy. He has overseen the development of enterprise training and compliance solutions for major industry leaders including PrecisionHawk, DroneDeploy, Measure, DroneBase, Exelon, Citgo and more. He recognizes that enterprise users need to be equipped with a turn-key drone program that solves the challenges of FAA compliance, training, scaling operations, producing actionable intelligence and ultimately accelerates drone adoption. It is Aerovista Drone Academy’s mission to make drones the de-facto standard tool and equip enterprise clients everything their organization needs for efficient and effective drone operations from takeoff to landing.

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