ErgoExpo 2018


Miguel González

Miguel González
Senior Program Ergonomist
General Motors

Miguel González, MHK, CPE, is a Senior Program Ergonomist at General Motors (Warren, Michigan). He supports the design and analysis of human work systems at GM Global manufacturing locations for future vehicle programs. Miguel’s primary focus is evaluating manufacturing operations and leading results-driven solutions associated with tooling, workstations, and product design issues. Over his 16 years in the Ergonomics field, Miguel has also lead training and corporate programs as an Ergonomist at Humantech Inc., Lear Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler Canada. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology and a Master of Science degree in Applied Human Performance from the University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada. He is also recognized as a Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE) through BCPE.

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