2018 NSC Congress & Expo


Marilyn Rivers

Marilyn Rivers
Director, Risk & Safety
City of Saratoga Springs, NY

Marilyn is a Director at Large for the Government and Public Sector Division of the NSC. She has a Bachelor of Science from Clarkson University in Chemistry and Masters Degree in Education from Tufts University. Her professional certifications include the CPCU, ARM and AIC designations. She has chaired RIMS' Standards and Practices Committee and has written white papers on claims processes. Marilyn was named the Public Risk Manager of the Year by PRIMA in 2007 and chaired its External Affairs and Education Committees contributing a variety of podcasts, webinars and presentations for PRIMA on risk and safety topics. She designed curriculum, facilitated programming and presented for PRIMA Institute from 2011 to 2017. Marilyn actively chairs the Saratoga County Emergency Management Committee, City Safety Committee and is President of the Glens Falls Lions Club. She is a recipient of the Lions International Robert J Uplinger Award for Community Service and is a Lions Knight of the Blind.

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