2018 NSC Congress & Expo


Steve Roberts

Steve Roberts
Senior Partner
Safety Performance Solutions Inc.

Steve is co-founder and senior partner at Safety Performance Solutions. He earned an M.A. and Ph.D. from Virginia Tech with a focus in Organizational Behavior Management. His areas of expertise include behavior and people-based safety, the assessment of organizational culture, increasing involvement in safety activities, management systems design, organizational leadership development, and understanding and reducing human error in the workplace. Before founding SPS in 1995, Dr. Roberts was a research associate with Management Systems Laboratories and the Center for Organizational Performance Improvement of the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department of Virginia Tech. Steve taught the ASSE Seminarfest course People-Based Safety each of the last 13 years. Steve is also author of the book chapter Principles of Behavior-Based Safety in the Handbook of Safety Principles, published in 2018. Steve was named among the “50 Top Safety Leaders” by Industrial Safety & Hygiene News in 2017.

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