FETC 2018


Page Dettmann

Page Dettmann
Chief Education Evangelist
MeTEOR Education

Dr. Page Dettmann is an award-winning educator and designer of globally-recognized high-impact learning designs. For more than 30 years, Dr. Dettmann has refined her thinking and her implementation of inquiry-based learning coupled with high-impact learning environments. Her unyielding goal is to support innovative and effective interactions and relationships between students and teachers. Dr. Dettmann’s schools and learning initiatives have been recognized by Texas Instruments as global best-practices and demonstration sites and by Microsoft. Page Dettmann is a leading contributor to one of the largest teams of learning environment designers in North America. Working directly with districts and architects, her primary role is to ensure that classrooms employ a “learning first” philosophy based upon the principles of dynamic, collaborative inquiry. She holds a PhD in Education Policy and Management from the University of Oregon, has served as a teacher, principal, district administrator and State Department of Education committee member and writer.

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