FETC 2018


Margul Woolfolk

Margul Woolfolk
M. Agnes Jones Elementary School (Ga.)

Margul Retha Woolfolk is the principal of M. Agnes Jones Elementary School in the Atlanta Public Schools System. She ensures high academic success for 600 Pre-K thru 5th grade urban students. Her mission is to provide a rigorous and high quality learning environment for students by affording them learning opportunities that promote critical thinking and the assurance of becoming college and career ready to successfully compete in a global society. In May 2016, she was awarded the Atlanta Public Schools Stellar Principal Award. Most recently, Margul Retha has implemented a Pre-K through fifth grade Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics program for students who have traditionally been underserved and under exposed to the content areas in a practical and relevant way. The school received the Georgia Department of Education STEM Certification in February 2017 and became the first Atlanta Public Schools school to become STEM certified.

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