FETC 2018


Kris Swanson

Kris Swanson
Innovation Specialist
Pine Crest School

Kris Swanson loves to make things. As a kid, Kris was constantly building with LEGOs, making model airplanes, cars, and spacecraft, and learning from the endless supply of wood, nails, screws, and instruction supplied by his father. Kris has been a planetarium director, science lab teacher, 5th grade classroom teacher, and district technology specialist. He served as an educational fellow to several NASA missions and has even flown along with a classroom experiment in 0g on NASA's Zero Gravity Trainer (aka the "Vomit Comet.") Kris is currently an Innovation Specialist at Pine Crest School in Boca Raton, FL where he helps PK - 8th grade make amazing things.

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