FETC 2018


Bill Latham

Bill Latham
MeTEOR Education

Bill Latham is a leader in the design and implementation of integrated, high-impact learning experiences and environments. For more than 15 years, he has consulted with schools, districts, and governmental agencies across the Western Hemisphere on the design, equipping, and implementation of classroom and school environments aligned to critical learning priorities. He and his team have directly served more than 1,000 schools in the United States alone. Focused on the strong interplay between pedagogy and support spaces, Bill is a leading global advocate for the constant, consistent support of best-practice instruction through living classroom environments. He and his team’s designs have led to measurable increases in basic literacy, collaborative learning, and complexity of student tasks at all grade levels. Mr. Latham is connected with leading global researchers and academics in the field, employing the latest best-practice findings as he leads design work for classrooms, school buildings and broader school systems.

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