FETC 2018


Rhonwyn Fleming

Rhonwyn Fleming
Renton Prep

Rhonwyn Fleming is a ninth-grade student at Renton Prep Christian School. Along with learning about collaboration through projects, she has spoken at the 2017 Renton Business Launchpad. She spoke with Dr. Michelle Zimmerman and a few of her classmates across grades about artificial intelligence, HoloLens and how those fit into learning at Renton Prep. Before this school year, technology hadn’t been a significant part of Rhonwyn’s life. She attended the same Montessori school through eighth grade which utilized very basic technology. Now that she’s been introduced to this advanced technology, she finds that she is very interested in the advancements we could make in our understanding of things through the use of this tech. She is particularly interested in how HoloLens and VR can boost our understanding of some subjects concerning space. She is passionate about pursuing a career in astrophysics.

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