FETC 2018


Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson

An internationally recognized authority in creativity and innovation, Sir Ken Robinson is “one of the world’s elite thinkers on creativity and innovation” by Fast Company. Sir Ken has received numerous awards and recognitions for his groundbreaking contributions. In 2003, he received knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II for services to the arts. His 2009, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, is a New York Times best seller. A 10th anniversary edition of his classic work on creativity and innovation, Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative, was published 2011. Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life, was published by Viking (May 2013) is also a best seller. His latest book, Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education (Viking, 2015), includes groundbreaking research and tackles the critical issue of how to transform the nation’s troubled educational system.

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