WOCN® Society’s 50th Annual Conference


Lindsay McCrea

Lindsay McCrea
California State University East Bay

Dr. Lindsay McCrea PhD, RN, BC-FNP, CWOCN, is a tenured Professor of Nursing at Cal State East Bay based in Hayward, California. Since her appointment at the University in Fall 2008, in addition to teaching responsibilities she has held a series of leadership positions within the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences and the University. Most recently she was appointed as the Associate Director of Semester Conversion in 2014, a university wide initiative due to launch August 2018. Dr. McCrea has more than 32 years of experience in nursing and nursing education. Clinical practice has been in the area of Bowel Evacuation Disorders in tertiary and ambulatory settings. She has published on this topic and has been an invited speaker at regional, national, and international meetings.

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