Sensors Expo 2017


Vytas SunSpiral

Vytas SunSpiral
Senior Robotics Researcher

Vytas SunSpiral is an entrepreneurial researcher moving fluidly between leading startups and building research labs to explore cutting edge robotic and AI technologies.  He is a Fellow of the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program, and currently leads the Dynamic Tensegrity Robotics Lab (DTRL) within the Intelligent Robotics Group at NASA Ames Research Center. His research spans a multi-disciplinary fusion of robotics, physiology, AI, mechatronics, and neuroscience, with the goal of understanding human intelligence via the foundational role that motion plays in our evolution.  This quest led to a fundamental new approach to robotics which has the potential to reinvent how we explore the solar system.  He is an author of ~50 journal and conference articles and was a contributing author of the 2013 Roadmap for US Robotics.  Over the last 20 years he has also been the Founder,  CTO, and Advisor to multiple startups, including Mobot which sold the worlds first commercially available autonomous tour guide robots.  Vytas holds a Masters in Computer Science and an BA in Symbolic Systems from Stanford University.

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