2017 Face & Body Southeast


Annette Tobia

Annette Tobia
Founder and CEO
Dynamis Skin Science

Annette Tobia, Ph.D., is the founder and CEO of Dynamis Skin Science and co-inventor of the technology behind MEG 21 and the research and development of Supplamine. She has over 30 years experience in the life sciences of aging, skin and health related complications from sugar. Tobia obtained her doctorate in cell biology from New York University and conducted post-doctoral research at Rockefeller University in New York City. Her research was funded by an American Cancer Society fellowship. A major medical center in Philadelphia urged Tobia to start a biotech company focused on a diabetes-related discovery made at the center that related to an accelerated aging process. She became an expert on the aging process. She continues to work with universities as well as splitting her time between Dynamis Skin Science, Inc., Dynamis Therapeutics and Dynamis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., as she balances the demands of science, health, beauty and medical discovery.

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