
Dr. Jack H. Winters

Dr. Jack H. Winters
Jack Winters Communications. LLC

Dr. Jack H. Winters received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from The Ohio State University in 1981. He was with AT&T in the research area for over 20 years where his last position was Division Manager of the Wireless Systems Research Division at AT&T Labs-Research. At AT&T he did research on wireless and optical systems, including pioneering research on MIMO and smart antennas for wireless systems, and equalization for optical systems. He has been at Lockheed Martin RMS since 2009, where is a PMES, working on multistatic sensors, including radar and communications. He is also an adjunct professor at Stevens Institute of Technology. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, former Area Editor for Transmission Systems for the IEEE Transactions on Communications, a former IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, and a New Jersey Inventor of the Year for 2001. He has 97 issued U.S. patents and over 80 journal publications, and was recently awarded the IEEE Region 1 Technological Innovation Award, IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award, and the 2016 IEEE Comsoc Communication Theory Committee Technical Achievement Award.

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