2016 AFCEA TechNet Augusta Conference and Expo


Chad Claussen

Chad Claussen
Chief Technical Advisor, Software Engineering Center
U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM)

Mr. Claussen was selected and appointed as the Chief Technical Advisor to the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) Software Engineering Center (SEC) Director on October 1st, 2017. As the Chief Technical Advisor, he is responsible for the leading and overseeing technology advancements across SEC and ensuring standardization of practices, procedures, and technological solutions. His previous assignment was the Enterprise Services lead for the Command Post Computing Environment (CPCE), Program Manager Mission Command, Program Executive Office for Command, Control, and Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T), where he was responsible for the identification, integration, and coordination of enterprise services across the CPCE community. His previous assignment was Network Integration Branch Chief, Technical Management Division, PEO C3T where he was responsible for the execution of Systems of Systems (SoS) design process ensuring the various voice and data systems within PEO C3T were properly integrated and tested prior to fielding resulting in an integrated network fielded to the warfighter. He also developed the strategy to enable a more seamless Unit Task Reorganization process for the warfighter within and between BCTs by updating processes, procedures, and technology resulting in improved mission capability.

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