2017 Annual Meeting &Exposition


Laura Adams

Laura Adams
President and CEO
Rhode Island Quality Institute

Laura Adams is president and CEO of the Rhode Island Quality Institute – a center of collaborative innovation that advances health and healthcare transformation. She serves on the Rhode Island Governor’s Workgroup on Healthcare Innovation and was appointed by the Massachusetts Attorney General to the Oversight Council for the MA Center for Health Information and Analysis. Laura chaired the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) Planning Committee for the “Digital Infrastructure for Population Health and a Learning Healthcare System” workshop series and traveled in the U.S. and Europe with W. Edwards Deming in the study of statistical-based quality improvement. She directed the IHI Idealized Design of the Intensive Care Unit project and served as faculty in the VHA’s ICU improvement collaborative. She has delivered conference keynotes in nearly every state in the union and in 12 different countries. She has received citations from the RI Congressional delegation for her visionary leadership and contributions to improving the healthcare system in Rhode Island. She received University of Northern Colorado’s Distinguished Alumni Award and in 2014, RIQI was named RI’s Most Innovative Company in Healthcare by the Providence Business News.

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