SEMICON Europa 2016


Jan Vardaman

Jan Vardaman
TechSearch International

Jan is the editor of Surface Mount Technology: Recent Japanese Developments, co-author of How to Make IC Packages (published in Japanese by Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun), a columnist with Circuits Assembly Magazine, and the author of numerous publications on emerging trends in semiconductor packaging and assembly. She served on the NSF-sponsored World Technology Evaluation Center study team involved in investigating electronics manufacturing in Asia and on the US mission to study manufacturing in China. She is a member of IEEE CPMT, IMAPS, SMTA, and SEMI. She was elected to two terms on the IEEE CPMT Board of Governors. She received her BA in Economics and Business from Mercer University in Macon, Georgia in 1979 and her MA in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin in 1981. Before founding TechSearch International, she served on the corporate staff of Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC), the electronics industry’s first pre-competitive research consortium.

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