SEMICON Europa 2016


Alberto Mancaleoni

Alberto Mancaleoni
Senior Member of Technical Staff (Principal Realibility Engineer)
STMicroelectronics, Automotive and Discrete Product Group

Alberto Mancaleoni has 22 years of experience at ST in the field of integrated circuits reliability and qualification. From 2005 he has been working in ST Automotive Product Group, developing a specific know-how in plastic package failure mechanisms and reliability interactions between package and silicon technology.

Riccardo Enrici Vaion received the M.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering from Cagliari University, Italy, in 2009. Since 2011 he has been working in STMicroelectronics, Automotive Product Group, as product quality and reliability engineer. His activity is focused on the failure mechanism understanding of the microcontroller products,both from package and silicon point of view.

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