2016 Financial Management Conference


Dexter Braff

Dexter Braff
The Braff Group

Dexter Braff is President of The Braff Group, one of the nation’s leading health care merger and acquisition advisory firms (source: Refinitiv). Founded in 1998, the firm has completed more than 370 health care deals. With 35 years of experience representing health care services companies, Dexter is recognized as the industry expert in health care M&A. He has written and contributed to feature articles in numerous publications and has written a chapter in the Handbook of Business Valuation published by John Wiley & Sons. He is frequently interviewed on various topics regarding health care M&A by news outlets including Bloomberg News, CNBC, USA Today, The Huffington Post and other health care journals. He has also presented seminars, webinars, podcasts, and has been the keynote speaker on various issues regarding health care mergers and acquisitions and finance across the country. Dexter holds an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh, a Master of Science from the University of Oregon, a Bachelor of Arts from Cornell University, and received the Vincent W. Lanfear Award for academic achievement.

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