2015 Annual Training Conference & Anti-Fraud Expo


Tracey Ruppel

Tracey Ruppel
Provider Fraud Specialist/Special Agent
United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General

Tracey began her career in federal law enforcement in 1991 as an Inspector with the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) Inspection Division. She investigated criminal violations and serious misconduct by IRS employees along with external attempts to bribe, corrupt or threaten its employees. In 1994, Tracey joined the US Secret Service and as a Special Agent and conducted criminal investigations involving identity theft, credit card and bank fraud, and counterfeit currency, along with protective assignments. In 2001, Tracey joined the USPS OIG as a Special Agent in the Great Lakes Area and began conducting investigations involving contract fraud against the Postal Service and medical provider fraud within the FECA program. In 2011, Tracey transferred to the Major Fraud Investigations Division and focused solely on medical provider fraud. Tracey is currently the Subject Matter Expert for medical provider fraud in the Pacific Area Field Office. She conducts complex fraud investigations concerning health care provider fraud while assisting with the oversight of health care provider fraud investigative activities within the Pacific Area.

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