HydroVision International 2015


Linda Church Ciocci

Linda Church Ciocci
Executive Director
National Hydropower Association

Linda Church Ciocci is the president and CEO of the National Hydropower Association (NHA), the national trade association that represents the interests of the hydropower industry and advocates for policies that ensure the continued flow of hydropower’s benefits to all Americans. As NHA's executive director, Ms. Church Ciocci represents the country's largest renewable energy resource before Congress, key national policymakers, and the media. She is an expert on energy issues and a frequent speaker at national and international energy and environmental events. Ms. Church Ciocci also has served on numerous task forces and boards, advising other organizations, including the American Council on Renewable Energy. Ms. Church Ciocci was named one of the 100 all-time most influential people in the international hydropower industry last year by a major trade publication. She was the only woman chosen for this distinction and one of a handful of Americans to make the list. Before joining NHA, Ms. Church Ciocci served as an advocate and official at the American Public Power Association (APPA) and other organizations. She has worked on issues ranging from municipal bonds and taxation to economic development and public finance.

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