HydroVision International 2015


David Moller

David Moller
Director, Power Generation
Pacific Gas and Electric Company

David Moller is Director of Strategic Agreements for Hydro Power Generation at Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a large investor-owned utility serving central and northern California. PG&E operates the largest privately-owned hydropower system in the U.S., consisting of 68 powerhouses with a total generating capacity of almost 3,900 megawatts. Mr. Moller has more than 35 years of experience in licensing, design, construction, and operation of hydropower projects ranging in size from one megawatt to over 1,000 megawatts, and including pumped storage. He has served as Responsible Engineer or Project Manager on numerous hydropower development projects, working in both office and field settings, and has led teams of project managers. As Director of Hydro Licensing and Compliance Mr. Moller was responsible for 14 hydro relicensing proceedings and compliance with 26 FERC hydropower licenses. He is recognized as a pioneer in the use of adaptive management and collaborative settlements for hydro relicensing in California and has negotiated many such agreements. Mr. Moller has long been active in the hydropower industry at the state and national levels, serving on many industry and governmental panels and committees, and contributing scores of articles and presentations relating to hydropower. He has been influential in state and federal hydropower policy and has testified on hydropower issues at the California State Senate and Public Utilities Commission. In 2007, Mr. Moller was elected to the National Hydropower Association’s Board of Directors and has served in several executive capacities, including President and Chairman of the Board from 2011 to 2013. Mr. Moller is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, and has lectured at the University of California and at Stanford University. He is a registered Professional Engineer in California.

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