AUVSI's Unmanned Systems 2016


Anna Neel

Anna Neel
Director Of Public Relations
Cirlot Agency

If Anna had a super power (and we’re neither admitting nor denying she does), it would be her uncanny ability to read people. She can be in the same room with a person and know what they are thinking even before they speak. This second sense allows her to connect with people on all levels and often predict the outcome of situations before they happen, which is the perfect super power for a public relations expert. However, with great power comes great responsibility. As Director of Public Relations for The Cirlot Agency, Anna works with clients to better understand their business goals and objectives in order to develop strategic communication plans that are integrated into all aspect of their communication and marketing campaigns. With expertise in all facets of the communication industry, including public relations, digital communications, marketing and crisis communication, Anna is able to leverage the latest technology to create customized communication strategies that reflect each client’s unique brand and resonate with specific audiences. Having worked both sides of the news desk while helping produce high-profile news events, such as the Iraq War and presidential elections, Anna has in-depth experience working alongside the national and international media. She has worked with many clients developing crisis communication strategies and long-term communication campaigns associated with major media events such as the BP Oil Spill and national rebuilding campaigns following Hurricane Katrina and the Indian Ocean Tsunami. Anna has also managed many large-scale press events, including red carpet awards ceremonies, high-profile celebrity engagements, concerts and major sporting events for MLB, NBA, NASCAR, BASS and FLW, to name a few.

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