AUVSI's Unmanned Systems 2016


Leonid Tartakovsky

Leonid Tartakovsky
Director, Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Dr. Tartakovsky joined The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in 1992 and directs today the Technion Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory. Prior to joining the Technion in 1992, Dr. Tartakovsky worked eight years for the Research Center for Testing and Refining of Motor Vehicles in Moscow (USSR), where he led the Engine Research Laboratory. Leonid Tartakovsky received his D.Sc in Mechanical Engineering from the Central Automobile and Automotive Engines Research Institute (NAMI) in Moscow, with specialization in Heat Engines. His current research interests lie in developing energy conversion processes for sustainable propulsion systems. In particular, he is interested in propulsion systems for UAV applications, waste heat recovery through thermo-chemical recuperation, alternative fuel effects on IC engine performance and combustion. Dr. Tartakovsky is a Chairman of SAE Technical Committee of the Small Engines Technology Conference, Organizer and Chairman of the Conference on Propulsion Technologies for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. He was elected SAE Fellow in 2015.

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