Natural Products Expo East 2015


David Sprinkle

David Sprinkle
Research Director & Publisher
Packaged Facts

David Sprinkle is the research director at Packaged Facts, which produces a leading line of syndicated research reports on the U.S. consumer markets and trends, including the food & beverage industry. The publisher of Packaged Facts’ Culinary Trend Tracking Series, David has also contributed to journals such as Candy & Snack Today, Gourmet Retailer, Natural Products Insider, Nutraceuticals World, and Progressive Grocer, as well as presented at industry conferences including the Organic Trade Association`s All Things Organic, Engredia, Fancy Food Show, Global Forum on the Future of Food, Healthy Beverages Expo, Ingredient MarketPlace, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), International Baking Industry Expo, National Coffee Association, National Confectioners Association, Nutracon, Private Label Manufacturers Association, SupplySide West, and World Tea Expo. Book-length publications through Packaged Facts include Premium Consumers and the New Economy and Americans in 2020. David has an MBA from Tulane University in New Orleans, where he also taught business communications.

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