Natural Products Expo East 2015


Lynn Ellen Schimoler

Lynn Ellen Schimoler
Assistant Director of Operations-Retail
City Market/Onion River Co-op

Lynn Ellen Schimoler joined City Market in 2003 and managed many individual revenue generating departments before her taking on her current role as Assistant Director of Operations- Retail. She has extensive experience with product/service development, quality control, key financial indicators and employee training/development. She has a background in management of natural markets in New England and California, and collaborates with the National Cooperative Grocers (NCG) to assist new and existing food cooperatives. Schimoler is also a Vermont-based dance artist. She has been a dance educator in New England for over twenty years, including teaching for VT Governor’s Institute on the Arts, Dartmouth College, Bennington College’s July Program, and the Flynn Performing Center for the Arts. She is currently a part-time Dance Lecturer at the University of Vermont.

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