AGA’s 2015 Professional Development Training


Eric Busse

Eric Busse
Grants Management Accountant
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Eric Busse is a Grants Management Accountant for the WI Department of Public Instruction in the School Management Services Division. Previously, he worked for as the Finance Director for a public utility, Grant Accounting Manager for the State of Tennessee, and Department Administrator at the University of Wisconsin. He has been an AGA member since 2000, where he has served two terms as Regional Vice President for the North Central Region and as a Chapter President, Research Coordinator and CGFM Chair. He earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Accounting from Upper Iowa University and an Associate’s degree in Accounting and Management from Madison Business College, where he served as Student Government President. He also has been a Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association Football Certified Master Referee since 2001 and the Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach and Pitching Coach at Evansville High School since 2002 and is a Certified Athletic Coach from the American Sport Education Program. Eric is the Meet Manager for both of the WIAA State Boys and Girls Swim meets. He is in his second elected term as a member of the Evansville Community School District Board of Education and currently serves as Board Vice President and Chair of the District Faculty and Support Staff Compensation Committees, also having served as Board Treasurer and Board President.

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