AREMA 2015 Annual Conference


John Hillman

John Hillman
Founder and President
HCB, Inc.

John R. Hillman, PE, SE is Founder and President of HCB, Inc. as well as the Bridge Practice Leader for Parsons Transportation Group. He has been inspecting, constructing and designing unique bridges for over 28 years. He holds four US patents and two-dozen international patents for the bridge technology known as the Hybrid-Composite Beam (HCB®). His work on the development of the HCB has brought worldwide recognition including the Construction Innovation Forum’s 2010 NOVA Award and the 2013 Charles Pankow Award from ASCE. In 2010 Mr. Hillman was honored with the 2010 Engineering News Record – Award of Excellence and in 2013 he was recognized by the White House as a “Transportation Champion of Change.”

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