The Office


I could go on for hours about why poetry is an invaluable tool for learning how to properly communicate. The sheer skeleton of the matter is poetry teaches us to craft our words intentionally and precisely. One can either take a very complex process and simplify it or an incredibly simple one and make it complex. To be able to do this effectively requires one to be aware not only of the words they are using, but how they are being used in context.

That said, I have a personal poetry blog that I would be more than happy to share. 
Below is a poem I had featured in a poetry journal: 

What is a leaf to you?
Just another thing to Fall?
Across the rivers edge,
There is such a leaf,
Waiting, just to fall.

But as that leaf descends,
I find it's end,
Something more to me,
Something more than,
Just another end.

In all reality,
This leaf is my heart,
Ensnared by the spiral bound,
and wearing the most,
Bloody shade of red,
Now falls here in,
This sea of souls,
Transparent souls,
Filled to the rim,
With somber dread.

And if you haven't had you're fill yet, why not try a Villanelle on for size:

The meaning of life, lost in these lies,
Captured. We begin to understand,
Beauty outlasts everything that dies.

Souls ensue with dulcet cries,
and end with Pyrrhic reprimand;
The meaning of life is lost in these lies.

A single bud blooms towards the skies,
Melpomene must meet her demands.
Beauty outlasts everything that dies.

There is an eloquence in demise,
As a stem falls from my hand,
The meaning of life is lost in these lies.

Petrichor, an elixir from the skies
As chaos and pain disband,
Beauty outlasts everything that dies.

May death always take our remise,
As we humbly demand,
The meaning of life is lost in these lies;
Beauty outlasts everything that dies.