Phoenix Rising: Solar Development on Landfills (Room Exhibit Hall Booth 710)

22 Oct 19
2:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Executive Management

The United States Environmental Protection Agency and several states are actively promoting solar energy development on more than 10,000 closed landfills in the United States. Using a combination of promotions and incentives, nearly 200 solar facilities have been constructed on landfills Many more landfills are available for solar development.  Closed landfills can be well suited for solar development when compared to other locations since they typically have: minimal shade; neighbors receptive to solar development; compatible zoning, and ready-made access to existing electrical grid infrastructure.  Transforming these closed landfills into renewable energy project locations can create additional revenue for the owner and reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the same time. This presentation will discuss typical feasibility assessments, solar facility design components, permitting requirements snd long-term maintenance criteria for solar landfill facilities. It will cover the practical steps necessary for landfill owners to turn closed landfills into revenue generating solar energy facilities.