Clowns, Playgrounds and Payouts: Incentivizing Multi-family Recycling (Room Exhibit Hall Booth 404)

DSNY and the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) have worked together to bring NYCHA public housing developments into compliance with the City’s recycling laws and to encourage residents to recycle. Currently, New York City residents divert 51 percent of waste through recycling while NYCHA residents divert only 1.5 percent. It is clear additional action is required for New York City to reach their goal of zero waste by 2030. Join HDR and DSNY for a discussion on the results of our research on incentive programs used around the world and whether incentives are feasible.  We’ll cover the different outreach and engagement tactics used in the study to obtain feedback from residents about the current recycling program and potential incentive programs. Find out what residents really think of recycling, whether incentives are the answer to improving recycling in multi-family buildings and how DSNY is using the results of this study.