Wind Project O&M and Safety Conference 2019

So You Think You Can Operate?! (Room Pavilion 1)

27 Feb 19
4:00 PM - 4:25 PM

Tracks: Operational Strategy

Are you considering self-operation for your fleet? In this presentation, we discuss key items that should be considered when deciding if self-operation is right for you. If you determine that self-operating is the best strategy for your organization, it is important to have a clear path forward. We present critical elements that should be included in a transition plan to self-operation. If you already have a history of self-operating, these items can provide a framework for illustrating your experience. Whether or not you decide to self-operate, having a method for evaluating the quality of an operations team is essential. In the case of self-operating, such an evaluation can help identify strengths as well as areas needing improvement. It can also help communicate your capabilities to internal and external stakeholders. Alternatively, if you decide not to self-operate, this evaluation can aid in selecting an external service provider. This presentation offers an analytical approach for evaluating operators that considers key functional areas including QHSE, on-site O&M services, key performance metrics, inventory and supply chain, staffing and training, and home office support. These items are assessed within the framework of a barrier analysis that measures the extent to which an operator is prepared to defend against threats to their operational success. After describing the evaluation method, we further explore the method by applying it to several real-life scenarios.