2019 West: Premier Sea Services Event San Diego

Innovation Showcase: Sustainment in 2025: Tomorrow’s Solutions, Today (Room Exhibit Floor 1300-1500 Aisle)

15 Feb 19
10:30 AM - 10:50 AM

Tracks: Innovation Showcase

As Enterprise Software moves to the Cloud and as Machines connect to the Internet of Things (IoT), all of our assumptions about how to run an effective sustainment program needs to be reevaluated. In the past, machines were dumb, and people were smart. The opposite may be true by 2025. Everything that you know about supply and maintenance will be challenged as we look at the future of sustainment during this thought provoking session.

In the past, the best maintenance programs were based on disciplined preventive maintenance strategies. Preventive maintenance may be completely replaced by predictive and machine requested maintenance by 2025. How will virtual reality, machine learning, blockchain, and many other emerging technologies change the role of the supply and maintenance professional? In support of the never-ending effort to lower sustainment costs and optimize the performance of military systems, the Oracle SCM Cloud has empowered the expansion and use of predictive and prescriptive solutions. Oracle SCM Cloud is successfully deployed by asset-intensive companies around the world.

This session addresses the benefits available by using SaaS to stay current during these trends and the next. Innovation Background: Oracle has built end-to-end, unified business processes that consider the supply chain of the 21st century. Oracle’s SaaS applications embed emerging technologies within the application delivering new capability faster and easier for customers to deploy. Whether it is blockchain, IoT, or adaptive intelligence, Oracle SCM Cloud incorporates the digital supply chain with capabilities that include product innovation, strategic material sourcing, outsourced manufacturing, integrated logistics, omni-channel fulfillment, and integrated demand and supply planning, making it the most comprehensive SCM suite in the cloud. Oracle SCM Cloud also allows you to deploy functionality incrementally, with minimal risk, lower cost, and maximum flexibility—all with the benefit of ongoing functional innovation and that delivers more sustainable supply chain.