VIBE 2019

Take Rum out of the Blender and into the Snifter (Room Harbor 2)

27 Feb 19
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
TASTING - Speaker: Tony Abou Ganim-The Modern Mixologist - "RUM” is probably the most diverse spirit category, and one that is not fully understood or appreciated. From light-bodied rums destined for Pina Coladas, Mojito's and Cuba Libre's to flavored and spiced rums to be enjoyed in twists on originals such as the Cable Car. Now, beautifully aged rums best enjoyed neat from a crystal snifter are finally getting their spotlighted day. Join Tony on an entertaining journey into the world of elegant, refined sipping rums! From Cuba to Guatemala, Jamaica to St. Croix, Puerto Rico to Barbados, you will experience the wonderful world of rum, one sip at a time! Rate this Session - TAKE SURVEY