VIBE 2019

Keynote - Thirsty for Change: How to Future-Proof Yourself, Fearlessly Innovate and Spot Tomorrow's Trends Today (Room Grande Ballroom)

26 Feb 19
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Keynote Speaker: Scott Steinberg- Professional Speaker and Author, Make Change Work for You - Customer habits and market trends are evolving at a blistering clip, with new technologies and tools routinely disrupting the way we operate. Staying ahead of the curve, reinventing products, services, and solutions doesn't have to be difficult when you apply the inside strategies that today's most celebrated organizations use to drive innovation. Scott will reveal what it takes to thrive in the new operating reality, create competitive advantage, and adapt to changing trends. Learn powerful ways to unleash innovation and solutions for better staying ahead of market shifts, Discover how you can strengthen your organization and flourish with a few simple shifts in strategy and thinking.