2019 I/ITSEC

Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) 101 (Room 320D)

02 Dec 19
12:45 PM - 2:15 PM

Tracks: Full Schedule, Monday Schedule

The Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol is a well-established IEEE standard for packet-level exchange of state information between entities in military simulations.  DIS facilitates simulation interoperability through a consistent over-the-wire format for information, widely agreed upon constant enumeration values, and community-consensus semantics.Anyone can obtain the IEEE-1278 standard and implement their own compliant, interoperable, DIS application. A large variety of tools and codebases simplify this effort, and enable multi-architecture integration of simulations using the DIS stand baseline. DIS focus begins with real-time, physics-based, entity-scale simulations, providing state update and interaction mechanisms which can scale to large virtual environments.This tutorial is a “DIS 101” introduction for software implementers and an introduction to the DIS philosophy for simulation systems integrators.  Examples are provided using the open-source Open-DIS library for DIS v7 support, available in multiple programming languages.  Ongoing work is included in WebRTC browser streaming, unit testing of DIS streams, and Web-based implementations using 2D maps and X3D Graphics.