2019 I/ITSEC

Cybersecurity in LVC Training Environments (Room 320E)

02 Dec 19
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Full Schedule, Monday Schedule

Cyber adversaries have a vast array or tools and a keen sense of when to use each one for maximum effect.  You may not be able to stop all attacks but, you can minimize risk and impact of threats by constraining adversaries’ operational space.  Given LVC’s inherently connected nature and the increasing dependence on commercial technologies, cybersecurity is critical to training and simulation.  The objective is to reduce any adversary’s ability to operate in your environment.Network flow data provides a wealth of behavioral information that is useful in understanding normal operations and detecting abnormalities.  Detailed flow information can enable pervasive visibility and effective cybersecurity from the endpoint, through the network, to the data center and to the cloud.  An effective cybersecurity architecture will provide early warning to help you get inside the attacker’s timeline and then it will help you block attacks to prevent damage, compromise, loss of information or even operational and safety risks.  It’s also importantly to close the vulnerability and ensure that your system learns from the attack and strengthens defenses after an attack.The ability to collect flow data and contextual information about users, applications and devices enables the network to serve as a powerful security resource.  Coupled with accurate and timely threat intelligence, new technology and techniques allow today’s network infrastructure to leverage embedded security capabilities to enable the entire network and even the data center to serve as an invaluable security resource that can sense abnormalities and threats and automatically enforce security policies in response. Integration and communication between network control and security are absolutely essential.