Southwest Showcase 2019

Opening Session (Room Hall 2)

23 Jan 19
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Event

When you feel depleted and exhausted at the end of a workday, chances are, it wasn’t the work that tired you out, but the people you work with. People can be difficult, hitting CC and Reply All when everyone doesn’t need to know, missing deadlines, talking about you when you’re not there . . . the list is endless. They create unnecessary complexity, strife and worst of all, stress. What if suffering at work was optional? What if you could work with just about anyone? Shari Harley, Founder and President of Candid Culture, a training and consulting firm with the goal of making it easier to tell the truth at work, will show you some easy-to-use techniques to smooth out even the most challenging workplace relationships. Find out why difficult people are so difficult. Get some practice to prevent difficult behavior. And get the words to tell people to back off or step up. With a little help you can enjoy your daily work and career more.