Southwest Showcase 2019

Creativity In Planning (Room Meeting Room 3)

23 Jan 19
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Session

The word “creativity” brings to mind writers, painters, playwrights. But planners have to be creative as well, finding new ways around obstacles and overcoming unexpected problems on a regular basis. Is it possible to goose those creative juices? Neuroscience has proven that innovative thinking is pivotal to our success both professionally and personally. Even small incremental improvements to innovative thinking can improve the end result. However, it is limited primarily by—us! Get into a rut and it’s easy to let your imagination stall, with less and less energy and new ideas every day. Dee O’Neill will show how we can become an entrepreneur of creative, innovative thinking that will lead to even more successful meetings and events. Come explore the neuroscience of innovative capacity and why you must leverage it for job success.