Southwest Showcase 2019

The ROI of Attending Expos (Room Meeting Room 2)

23 Jan 19
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Tracks: Session

What are your attendees looking for when they come to your expo—and are they getting it? The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) conducted a study on how attendees define the ROI for attending an exhibition, and CEO Cathy Breden will share the lessons learned. Study insights will cover: a) To what extent do attendees determine the ROI of attending expos? How do expos compare with other avenues for meeting their business purchasing and information needs, such as in-person sales rep visits, emedia sources, print sources, etc. b) How does this evaluation process work, is it formal or informal? c) What are the most common factors in evaluating the ROI of attending? d) Are these factors the same as those used to evaluate the ROI for other resources? e) How effective is exhibiting when compared to other marketing channel activities? f) What are the gaps in exhibition offerings that if filled would enhance the ROI of attending?