NPUAP 2019 Annual Conference

What You See is Not Always What You Get: New Technology (Room Grand Ballroom E & F)

Session Objectives:

  1. Summarize the evidence related to the mechanism and biometrics of technological approaches (e.g. 3-D ultrasound, subepidermal moisture [SEM] monitor, thermal imaging) for preclinical detection of pressure injuries and mobility monitoring (e.g. LEAF and pressure mapping).
  2. Propose the clinical, regulatory, and fiscal implications of these advances in technological assessment.
  3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages, in addition to the precision and accuracy of technologies for early detection of pressure injuries.
  4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages, in addition to the precision and accuracy of technologies for mobility monitoring and mobilization.
  5. Discuss the evidence related to the effect of technology on pressure injury outcomes.