HOW Design Live 2019

Self Promotion For Business (And Your Soul) (Room E353)

08 May 19
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Tracks: Design + Creativity

We all know that self-promotion is important, however, have you ever thought about creating culture-aligned self-promotions that not only advocate for you, your team and/or your business, but also enrich your culture? This talk will show you ways to accomplish this by sharing experiments that have helped grow and strengthen our business while making our creative souls happy and is perfect for in-house, freelance or agency cultures.

  1. How to create promotions that help define you, your team, or your organization
  2. The importance of creating self-promotions for your ideal personas both internally and externally
  3. How collaboration will make you better and make more impact
  4. The power of play to motivate your culture