HOW Design Live 2019

Executing The Inevitable Redesign (Room E350)

07 May 19
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Digital

Every designer dreams of tackling a large-scale redesign, right? It’s thrilling to craft a new brand identity, or rethink a digital experience from the ground up. On the flip side, redesigns can also feel daunting, with the risk of alienating loyal users by making sweeping changes. The excitement of making changes can also lead to an ever-expanding list of features, and missed deadlines due to scope creep.

Through case studies of redesigns at VICE and Rent the Runway, Jess will share a framework for strategizing and executing on digital product redesigns, from a creative’s point of view. By looking at the motivation for a redesign—from technology, to user experience, to branding—she'll outline critical questions that can help guide redesign projects smoothly from start to finish. 

In this talk, you’ll hear about how you as a designer can contribute to a digital redesign—from effectively advocating for a brand and identity, to understanding ways to ensure consistency on a code level, to aligning new feature ideas with product intentions. 

After this talk, you’ll take away:

  1. How to assess the motivations behind a redesign
  2. Critical questions to frame design exploration
  3. Strategies to keep a redesign project on track