NATSO Connect 2019

What Are the Changing Needs of Truckstops’ Customers and Their Employees and How Can Smart Truckstops Meet Them: Opening Kickoff Keynote (Room Grand Harbor Ballroom)

What are the changing needs of customers?

What influences employee engagement and where can truckstops do to increase employee engagement?

Why is experience increasingly important during shopping trips and how can smart retailers satisfy customers’ growing desire for experiential shopping?

Michael Sansolo, research director, Coca-Cola Retailing Research Council of North America, will combine years of work with some of the world’s most innovative companies with research from the Coca-Cola Retailing Research Council of North America to explore the changing needs of truckstop customers and their employees.

Then, Sansolo will join NATSO’s President & CEO Lisa Mullings and NATSO’s Vice President, Membership Darren Schulte in a discussion on what the research means for the truckstop and travel plaza industry. Attendees will walk away with a better idea on how their business fits into current customer and employee trends and how to create a winning solution to satisfy the increasingly changing customer and employee.

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