APDT's 25th Annual Conference

Amping Up Advocacy: How +R and Animal Welfare Go Hand-in-Paw (Room CDE)

19 Oct 18
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Tracks: Human Learning & Canine Behavior

This Short explains and exemplifies the connections between positive reinforcement training and all animal advocacy.  A main focus is considering how advocating for all animals, not just dogs, stands to reinforce and strengthen the force-free dog training movement. We’ll also explore how it makes good business sense for us to be, at the very least, aware of our clients’ and colleagues’ expanding shift in values as our relationship and communication with animals continues to evolve.  

Ultimately, as positive reinforcement dog trainers, we are often part of the first step toward meaningful communication and companionship with animals; therefore, we have the opportunity to champion force-free treatment for all animals.  So the main theme is calling on dog trainers to "amp up their advocacy" and explore how doing so will help not just dogs and our relationship with them, but our relationship with all animals.