APDT's 25th Annual Conference

Enriching Puppy Training: Teaching Life Long Skills (Room A Ballroom)

17 Oct 18
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Animal Learning

In this interactive presentation, Teena Patel will share a detailed discussion about the concept of enriching puppy training, which goes beyond standard obedience exercises to help puppies learn how to live happily and healthily as companion dogs. Puppy training often focuses on a narrow range of “obedience” behaviors, but this type of training has very little relationship to the actual needs of the dog, and does not provide an adequate preparation for the challenges the dog will face throughout its life. By contrast, training puppies with a focus on teaching them life skills has positive benefits for dogs, owners, and industry professionals alike. Attendees will walk away feeling empowered, because they’ll finally have the information they need to (successfully) create their own developmentally appropriate puppy training programs.