APDT's 25th Annual Conference

Building a Confident Performance Puppy (Room CDE)

20 Oct 18
12:45 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Health & Nutrition

Puppies are fragile, “rubbery” little beings that must be carefully handled when young so as not to damage their growth plates and supporting musculoskeletal structures.  However, they still need exercise to build strength and provide a mental outlet.  The challenge is how to do it safely.  They also need exposure and desensitization to potentially frightening stimuli to learn how to build positive associations with different objects and situations. Socialization with other puppies is also important in order for them to understand canine body language and confidence building with other dogs.  We will discuss methods  to develop a confident, focused and well-coordinated puppy, who is an independent thinker that does not easily frustrate while continuing to problem solve.  Sounds like the ideal canine partner, right?