2019 NSC Congress & Expo

218 - Behavior-Based Safety for Today’s Realities (Room 30A)

08 Sep 19
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Mgmt. Ldrship., Empl. Engmt. & Cltr.

30 years ago, behavior-based safety was touted to be the silver bullet of safety. Today, it is often labeled as outdated or old thinking. BBS is simply one tool in a safety toolbox. Not a holistic approach to safety, but neither is it irrelevant or outdated. BBS can be a highly effective way to direct and continuously improve discretionary worker behaviors. If you haven’t tried BBS, you have a great avenue to improved performance. If you’ve implemented BBS with less-than-stellar results, you have a new array of ways to make it work better. Making BBS fit your culture, operations and logistical realities rather than making your company fit some idealistic model is key to success in today’s realities.

CEU Information: 0.6 CEU, 0.6 COC, 1.0 CM