MS IDeA 18

Keynote Address (Room Jackson Ballroom I & II)

27 Jul 18
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Keynote Speaker
Dr. Joey P. Granger
Billy S. Guyton Distinguished Professor
Professor of Physiology and Medicine
Director of the Cardiovascular-Renal Research Center
Dean of the School of Graduate Studies in Health Sciences
University of Mississippi Medical Center


Joey P. Granger is the Billy S. Guyton Distinguished Professor, Professor of Physiology and Medicine, Director of the Cardiovascular- Renal Research Center, and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS. He earned his doctorate from Arthur C. Guyton’s Physiology Department at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and where John E. Hall served as his Ph.D. mentor. He received his postdoctoral training in physiology in the laboratory of Franklyn G. Knox at the Mayo Clinic from 1983–1985. He was appointed Assistant Professor of Physiology at Mayo Medical School in 1985. In 1986, he joined the faculty of the Department of Physiology at Eastern Virginia Medical School. In 1990, he moved back to the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Granger’s research has focused on the role of the kidneys in the pathogenesis of hypertension. His early research examined the importance of renal interstitial hydrostatic pressure in mediating renal pressure natriuresis. He also examined the importance of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in long-term control of sodium balance and arterial pressure. He demonstrated
that ANP had potent actions on the renin-angiotensin system and that chronic physiological elevations in plasma ANP produced long-term improvement in renal pressure natriuresis and reductions in arterial pressure. His later work investigated the role of the renal endothelin and nitric oxide systems in various models of salt-sensitive hypertension. His current research focuses on the role of endothelial and neurohormonal factors in mediating hypertension in animal models of pregnancy-induced hypertension or preeclampsia. Utilizing the RUPP (Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure) model of placental ischemia, which was developed by the Granger laboratory, they demonstrated that placental ischemia in the pregnant rat has many of the features of preeclampsia in women. They are currently using this model for the investigation of the mechanisms linking placental ischemia and cardiovascular dysfunction in preeclampsia and for identifying potential drug targets for the treatment of preeclampsia. His laboratory has been continuously funded by R01 and/or P01 mechanisms from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) since 1985. Granger also currently serves as the principal investigator of a NHLBI Institutional Training Grant entitled “Hypertension and Cardiorenal Diseases Research Training Program”.


Granger also served as President of the American Physiology Society in 2012 and currently serves as Chair of the AHA Council on Hypertension (COH) and on the Leadership committee of the Inter-American Society of Hypertension. He has served on numerous COH committees including as Chair of the Harry Goldblatt Award Selection Committee, Chair of Hypertension Summer School Organizing Committee, Chair of Awards Committee, Vice Chair Trainee Advisory Committee. He also served as a member of the Professional Education Committee, Liaison Member for Basic Science Council, Publications Committee, and Strategic Planning Committee He also served on scientific study sections for the American Heart Association, National Institutes of Health, NASA, and the Veterans Administration. He recently served as chair of the Hypertension and Microcirculation NIH study section. He also served on the National Board Medical Exam Physiology Test Development Committee. He has authored or co-authored over 280 peer-reviewed publications. Granger is currently an Associate Editor for Hypertension and serves as Co-Editor with his brother, Neil Granger, on the eBook series entitled Integrative Systems Physiology. He served as the Editor of the Council for High Blood Pressure Newsletter and an Associate Editor for News in Physiological Sciences and American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory and Integrative Physiology. He is serving or has served as a member of Editorial Boards of American Journal of Hypertension, American Journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology, American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory and Integrative Physiology, Journal of CardioMetabolic Syndrome and the Journal of the American Society of Hypertension.


Granger has received several awards including the 2010 American Heart Association Distinguished Scientist Award, American Physiological Society 2008 E.H. Starling Distinguished Lecture Award, American Physiological Society 2008 Bodil M. Schmidt-Nielsen Distinguished Mentor and Scientist Award, Dahl Memorial Lecture of the American Heart Association, American Society of Hypertension Young Scholar Award, the International Society of Hypertension Demuth Research Award, Inter- American Society of Hypertension Young Investigator Award, the Regulatory and Integrative Physiology Young Investigator Award of the American Physiological Society Water and Electrolyte Section, the Harold Lamport Award of the Cardiovascular Section of the American Physiological Society, the Henry Pickering Bowditch Lecture of the American Physiological Society, and the Established Investigator Award of the American Heart Association.